
20x Faster Investigations and Incident Response

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Fast access to the data you need most

Incident investigations aren't easy when you're facing a mountain of alerts with log data and spreadsheets. Every alert in InsightIDR automatically surfaces important user and asset behavior, along with context around any malicious behavior. Easily pivot from a visual timeline to log search, on-demand endpoint interrogation, or user profiles to scope the incident and take informed action.

Visual timelines filled with notable behavior

Figuring out if an alert is malicious or benign isn't easy, so every bit of evidence matters. That's why InsightIDR tracks and analyzes notable behavior, so you get a clear picture of the sequence of events.

Search for a user, asset, IP address, and more

Sometimes, all you need is a quick answer. The powerful global search in InsightIDR helps you quickly zero-in on your users and assets, whether you're in the midst of an investigation or researching if a compliance regulation is being properly enforced.

Make your findings actionable

Your most valuable source of intelligence comes from your investigation findings. With InsightIDR, it's easy to create custom rules to power new use cases, as well as add and manage cyber threat intelligence.

Integrate with your existing workflows

JIRA and ServiceNow integrations make it easy to bring IT into the loop. Case management features, such as assignments and notes, help your team focus and collaborate.

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