Blue Team Exercise

Keep your defenders at the top of their game with world-class threat simulation

Your organization has spent time building and refining your incident response procedures. You've conducted tabletop exercises modeled after real-life threat scenarios. You've passed all of your audits with flying colors. But is your security operations team ready for when things get real?

Rapid7’s Blue Team Exercise puts a microscope to the people, processes, and technologies involved in your team's security monitoring and incident response processes. This realistic group exercise offers teaching moments that cannot be replicated in other training courses or through traditional penetration tests. In short? Blue Team Exercises are the new gold standard for knowing how your security team will fare in the wake of an incident.

We recognize your organization is unique, and as such, we work with the controls you have in place so that the Blue Team exercise effectively measures response relative to your environment. Additionally, each industry is subject to different threats and regulatory requirements, which are taken into consideration during the exercise and in our response analysis.

The Rapid7 approach to threat simulation through our Blue Team Exercise includes:

  • Individual and group mentoring from Rapid7’s incident response experts

  • Comprehensive assessment of your security and operational tools and technologies

  • In-depth evaluation of your incident response procedures

Project Methodology

1. Initiate

To ensure a successful exercise, our experts will meet with key personnel to scope your environment and assess your current threat detection and incident response capabilities. They will also conduct a comprehensive assessment of your security program, focusing on the security controls and technologies currently in place (alongside any corresponding policies and procedures).

2. Observe

Our experts will observe your security operations team in action as our Rapid7 red team executes attacks customized to your organization's threat landscape. Additionally, we work closely with each individual on your team to understand their role, skill set, and available tools.

3. Embed

Our IR experts will work shoulder-to-shoulder with your team to provide guidance as you detect and respond to our red team threat simulation.

4. Rate (or Recommend)

One of the goals of the Blue Team Exercise is to provide guidance with clear, direct impact on your maturity roadmap. We will provide actionable recommendations to improve on any observed technological and procedural shortcomings, and provide a 1-5 maturity rating for each of the following evaluation criteria, as they apply to your environment.

  • Maturity of Incident Response Plan
  • Adherence to Incident Response Plan
  • Incident Response Coordination
  • Incident Response Communication
  • Technical Analysis

Whether you are building your first security monitoring team or are an established Security Operations Center (SOC) looking to improve, Rapid7 experts can put your detection and response capabilities to the test. Spare a few days to spend with our incident response experts, and you’ll receive a hands-on, mentored approach to educating and maturing your teams—so your Blue Team always comes out on top.