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FreeBSD: VID-16F7EC68-5CCE-11ED-9BE7-454B1DD82C64 (CVE-2022-3483): Gitlab -- Multiple vulnerabilities

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FreeBSD: VID-16F7EC68-5CCE-11ED-9BE7-454B1DD82C64 (CVE-2022-3483): Gitlab -- Multiple vulnerabilities



Details for this vulnerability have not been published by NIST at this point. Descriptions from software vendor advisories for this issue are provided below.

From VID-16F7EC68-5CCE-11ED-9BE7-454B1DD82C64:

Gitlab reports:

DAST analyzer sends custom request headers with every request

Stored-XSS with CSP-bypass via scoped labels' color

Maintainer can leak Datadog API key by changing integration URL

Uncontrolled resource consumption when parsing URLs

Issue HTTP requests when users view an OpenAPI document and click buttons

Command injection in CI jobs via branch name in CI pipelines

Open redirection

Prefill variables do not check permission of the project in external CI config

Disclosure of audit events to insufficiently permissioned group and project members

Arbitrary GFM references rendered in Jira issue description leak private/confidential resources

Award emojis API for an internal note is accessible to users without access to the note

Open redirect in pipeline artifacts when generating HTML documents

Retrying a job in a downstream pipeline allows the retrying user to take ownership of the retried jobs in upstream pipelines

Project-level Secure Files can be written out of the target directory


  • freebsd-upgrade-package-gitlab-ce

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