Last updated at Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:36:51 GMT

Humans are great at adapting to change—but objectively the pace of technological change has been way, way too fast.  

Security teams manage an average of 76 different tools. Breaches have gone from “s#&@!” to “inevitable.”  That’s why we built  Managed Threat Complete to address the reality of today’s threat environment. By 2025, Gartner says 50% of organizations will decide to partner with an MDR (Managed Detection and Response) service for 24x7 monitoring.

Now, one move can consolidate and rebalance your work

Managed Threat Complete: It’s always-on MDR plus unlimited vulnerability management with a single subscription.

Combine these two historically siloed pieces of a security program, and you have a complete picture of your risk profile and threat landscape. Since the service  combines proactive, responsive, and strategic support of your program, it gets smarter and more resilient over time: a continuously-improving, virtuous cycle.

Most importantly, Managed Threat Complete lets you prove you’re building measurable capacity to be effective at detection and response—and improve the definitions of success that matter most to you. We call it the R-factor, and it measures:

  • How ready you are to react to your sprawling attack surface
  • How responsive you can be when something inevitably gets through
  • How effectively you’re able to remediate after the fact
  • How you measure your results and show provable outcomes

Forrester Consulting did the math on Rapid7 MDR, and you win

Forrester’s June 2022 Total Economic Impact™ study commissioned by Rapid7 found that Rapid7 MDR produced extraordinary results:

  • 5.5x ROI over 3 years
  • <3 month payback
  • 90% reduction in the likelihood of a breach

While your team methodically reduces your risks with unlimited VRM scanning, Managed Threat Complete gives you a full team of SOC experts dealing with threats in your environment using advanced XDR technology. And that means really responding, remediating, and making your organization safe and secure—no matter what.

It’s MDR so different, think of it as MDR 2.0.

Typical MDR vendors will simply alert a CISO to a problem. If you’re breached, they’ll tell you to hire an outside Incident Response firm to take it the rest of the way.  Managed Threat Complete gives you unlimited Incident Response (the same level you’d get with an IR retainer) included, with DFIR professionals already embedded on your team.

Typical MDR vendors charge by data ingestion and retention. We prioritize visibility into your environment so our analysts can detect and respond without compromise.

Typical MDR vendors take a black box approach to their technology. But with Managed Threat Complete, we give customers unlimited access to our cloud-native XDR technology, sprawling detections library, all of it. See transparently into what your Rapid7 MDR partners are doing. Run your own investigations and threat hunting. Log in once a day or once a year, it’s at your fingertips.

Managed Threat Complete delivers a holistic approach to risk and threat management, so you can consolidate costs and be ready for whatever comes next.