Posts tagged Penetration Testing

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Pro 3.7: Better, Faster, Stronger

Over the last two months the Rapid7 team has been hard at work rewiring the database and session management components of the Metasploit Framework, Metasploit Express, and Metasploit Pro products. These changes make the Metasploit platform faster, more reliable, and able to scale to hundreds of concurrent sessions and thousands of target hosts. We are excited to announce the immediate availability of version 3.7 of Metasploit Pro and Metasploit Express! Existing customers can apply the latest s

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit T-Shirt Design Contest: And the Winner is...

You have voted in large numbers – and the results are out: design #36 [/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/38-5353-1228/36.png] is the winner of the Metasploit T-shirt design contest. Danny Chrastil submitted the winning design, featuring the Metasploit logo consisting of code from the payload osx/ppc/shell_reverse_tcp. The back shows the Metasploit splash screen cow, our legendary creature of mystery and superstition. A few words about the winner: Danny Chrastil aka @DisK0nn3cT is a web appl

1 min Metasploit

Learn, Download & Contribute: The New Metasploit Website

Today, we relaunched the site. We hope you'll find it as awesome as we do. The new site not only has updated looks, we've also rewritten much of its content and put it on a shiny new server to make it faster. We mainly focused on three aspects: learn, download & contribute: Learn – Many Metasploit newbies told us they found it hard to get started with the Metasploit Framework, so we took a fresh look at our website to design it so that new Metasploit Framework users would find i

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Version 3.6 Delivers Enhanced Command-Line Options and PCI Peports

Originally Posted by Chris Kirsch All Metasploit editions are seeing an update to version 3.6 today, including an enhanced command-line feature set for increased proficiency and detailed PCI reports with pass/fail information for a comprehensive view of compliance posture with PCI regulations. Here's an overview of what's new: The new Metasploit Pro Console offers powerful new features that help professional penetration testers complete their job more efficiently in their preferred environmen

6 min Metasploit

Cisco IOS Penetration Testing with Metasploit

The Metasploit Framework and the commercial Metasploit products have always provided features for assessing the security of network devices. With the latest release, we took this a step further and focused on accelerating the penetration testing process for Cisco IOS devices. While the individual modules and supporting libraries were added to the open source framework, the commercial products can now chain these modules together to quickly compromise all vulnerable devices on the network. The sc

2 min Metasploit

Sesame Open: Auditing Password Security with Metasploit 3.5.1

Secret passwords don't only get you into Aladdin's cave or the tree house, but also into corporate networks and bank accounts. Yet, they are one of the weakest ways to protect access. Sure, there are better ways to secure access, such as smart cards or one-time password tokens, but these are still far from being deployed everywhere although the technology has matured considerably over the past years. Passwords are still the easiest way into a network. The new Metasploit version 3.5.1 adds a l

1 min Metasploit

Turning Your World Upside Down: Metasploit Ambigram Tattoos

Bill Swearingen aka hevnsnt blew us away by designing a Metasploit ambigram for the Metasploit Pro tattoo contest You may remember Roy's Metasploit tattoo [] a few weeks ago, which prompted our Metasploit [] tattoo competition. We thought it was a cute idea, expecting a few fun pictures with felt pen tattoos or tattoo photo montages of of the Metasploit logo. 

2 min Metasploit

How VPN pivoting creates an undetectable local network tap

Let's assume your goal for an external penetration test is to pwn the domain controller. Of course, the domain controller's IP address is not directly accessible from the Web, so how do you go about it? Seasoned pentesters already know the answer: they compromise a publicly accessible host and pivot to other machines and network segments until they reach the domain controller. It's the same concept as a frog trying to cross a pond by jumping from lily pad to lily pad. If you have already us

2 min Awards

We weren't joking when we said "tattoos"!

Be careful what we wish for: In 2006, HD Moore wrote a blog post [/2006/08/27/metasploit-framework-30-beta-2] about a redesign of the Metasploit Project, announcing that the new graphics “will be featured on tee shirts, posters, and tattoos over the coming year.” Well, you guys took a little longer than we thought but we now have our first Metasploit tattoo! Initially, we thought Roy Morris (aka @soundwave1234 []) was joking when he tweeted to @hdmoore [htt

1 min Exploits

Take an Earlier Flight Home with the New Metasploit Pro

We love it, our beta testers loved it, and we trust you will as well: today we're introducing Metasploit Pro, our newest addition to the Metasploit family, made for penetration testers who need a bigger, and better, bag of tricks. Metasploit Pro provides advanced penetration testing capabilities, including web application exploitation and social engineering. The feedback from our beta testers has been fantastic, most people loved how easily they can conduct Web application scanning and exploi