Powered by unrivaled open-source initiatives, our solutions are built by practitioners for practitioners, and designed to help security teams eliminate risks and threats everywhere. Visit our experts at Booth 617 to learn how you can level up security operations with Rapid7 cloud security.
See firsthand how we help you manage risk and eliminate threats across any environment. Sign up in advance so we know you’re coming!
Pre-register for a meeting or demoVisit our booth to discuss your specific security challenges with Rapid7 experts.
And of course, we'll be giving away some great Rapid7 swag that you're definitely not going to want to miss!
Wed, Oct 25, 2023
2:45 PM
3:45 PM
Wed, Oct 25, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Speakers: Deral Heiland, Principal Security Researcher, IoT, Rapid7
Just coming out of a global pandemic has made most of us acutely aware of the importance of the medical community and the technologies that are used to help save and protect human life. During this presentation, Rapid7's Deral Heiland will talk you through his recent research on medical devices and the vulnerabilities and security issues he has identified.
Room: Meeting Room 801A
Would you like to add this event to your calendar?
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 4:00pm
Join us!
Leave the show floor and head over to E11 for an evening full of delicious cocktails, heavy hors d'oeuvres and the opportunity to mingle and catch up with your industry peers. Space is limited so contact your Rapid7 account manager for more details.