treq is an HTTP library inspired by requests but written on top of Twisted's Agents. Treq's request methods (`treq.get`, ``, etc.) and `treq.client.HTTPClient` constructor accept cookies as a dictionary. Such cookies are not bound to a single domain, and are therefore sent to *every* domain ("supercookies"). This can potentially cause sensitive information to leak upon an HTTP redirect to a different domain., e.g. should `` redirect to `` the latter will receive the cookie `session`. Treq 2021.1.0 and later bind cookies given to request methods (`treq.request`, `treq.get`, `HTTPClient.request`, `HTTPClient.get`, etc.) to the origin of the *url* parameter. Users are advised to upgrade. For users unable to upgrade Instead of passing a dictionary as the *cookies* argument, pass a `http.cookiejar.CookieJar` instance with properly domain- and scheme-scoped cookies in it.
With Rapid7 live dashboards, I have a clear view of all the assets on my network, which ones can be exploited, and what I need to do in order to reduce the risk in my environment in real-time. No other tool gives us that kind of value and insight.
– Scott Cheney, Manager of Information Security, Sierra View Medical Center