Last updated at Thu, 22 Aug 2024 18:30:37 GMT

A few months ago, I shared news of the release of the macOS Insight Agent. Today, I'm pleased to announce the availability of the the Linux Agent within Rapid7's vulnerability management solutions. The arrival of the Linux Agent completes the trilogy that Windows and macOS began in late 2016. For Rapid7 customers, all that really matters is you've got new capabilities to add to your kit.

Introducing Linux Agents

Take advantage of the Linux Agent to:

  • Get a live view into your exposures: Automatically collect data from your endpoints and seamlessly update your Liveboards, which are always populated with real time data with out the need to hit refresh or rescan.
  • Get visibility into remote workers: Remote workers rarely, or in some cases never, connect to the corporate network and often miss scheduled scan windows. Our lightweight agents can be deployed to monitor risks posed by the mobile workforce.
  • Eliminate restricted asset blind spots: Some assets are just too critical to the business to be actively scanned. With our agents, you'll get visibility into assets with strict vulnerability scanning restrictions, while removing the need to manage credentials to gain access.
  • Get visibility into elastic or ephemeral assets by building the Insight Agent into your base machine images or VM templates.

Of course, Linux isn't a monolithic OS like Windows or macOS. In order for our customers to get the widest possible coverage, Linux Insight Agents support an array of distributions:

  • Debian 7.0 - 8.2
  • CentOS 5.2 - 7.3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 5.2 - 7.3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 5.2 - 7.3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Workstation 5.2 - 7.3
  • Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) Server 5.2 - 7.3
  • Ubuntu 11.04 - 16.10
  • Fedora 17 - 25
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 -12
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11 -12
  • openSUSE LEAP (42.1 - 42.2)
  • Amazon Linux

With such a diverse list, we hope you're able to find a match for your environment. Ready to get started? Check out the steps to download and install, and you'll be up and running in no time.

...and more

If you've read this far, you may be wondering: “Hey, what about the ‘...and more' promised in the title?”

Since the release of Insight Agents for vulnerability management in late 2016, we've received great feedback from our customers. In particular, we heard that customers liked the visibility they were able to attain, but found the management capabilities lacking.

With our most recent release, we've now brought management capabilities to your Assets with Agents. You can now treat

your Assets with Agents just like any other asset in your system. You are now able to:

All of your Assets with Agents will be synchronized from the Insight Platform into an automatically created “Rapid7 Insight Agents” site so you'll always know where to find them.