Last updated at Tue, 16 Jul 2024 21:42:47 GMT

Over the last 10 to 15 years, organizations have been migrating to the cloud to take advantage of the speed and scale it enables. During that time, we’ve all had to learn that new cloud infrastructure means new security challenges, and that many legacy tools and processes are unable to keep up with the new pace of innovation.

The greater scale, complexity, and rate of change associated with modern cloud environments means security teams need more control to effectively manage organizational risk. Traditional vulnerability management (VM) tools are not designed to keep pace with highly dynamic cloud environments, creating coverage gaps that increase risk and erode confidence.

In the report “Forecast Analysis: Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services, Worldwide” Gartner® estimates that “By 2025, more than 90% of enterprise cloud infrastructure and platform environments will be based on a CIPS [cloud infrastructure and platform services] offering from one of the top four public cloud hyperscale providers, up from 75% to 80% in 2021.”

In the face of all this rapid change, how do you keep up?

Rapid7’s Cloud Risk Complete Is Here

The future of risk management is seamless coverage across your entire environment. That’s why our new offer, Cloud Risk Complete, is the most comprehensive solution to detect and manage risk across cloud environments, endpoints, on-premises infrastructure, and web applications.

With Cloud Risk Complete, you can:

  • Gain unlimited risk coverage with a unified solution purpose-built for hybrid environments, providing continuous visibility into your on-prem infrastructure, cloud, and apps, all in a single subscription.
  • Make context-driven decisions by intelligently prioritizing risk based on context from every layer of your attack surface, driven by a real risk score that ties risk to business impact.
  • Enable practitioner-first collaboration with native, no-code automation to help teams work more efficiently and executive-level dashboards that provide visibility into your risk posture.

What makes this solution different is that we started with the outcome and worked backwards to bring to life a solution that meets the needs of your security program.

  • While most solutions offer daily scans of your cloud environment, we deliver real-time visibility into everything running across your environment. So, you’re never working with stale data or running blind.
  • While most solutions only provide insight into a small portion of your environment, we provide a unified view of risk across your entire estate, including your apps, both in the cloud and on-prem.
  • While most solutions show you a risk signal and leave the analysis and remediation process up to you, we provide step-by-step guidance on how to remediate the issue, and can even take immediate action with automated workflows that remove manual effort and accelerate response times.

Risk Is Pervasive. Your Cloud Security Should Be Too

Cloud Risk Complete stands apart from the pack with best-in-class cloud vulnerability assessment and management, cloud security posture management, cloud detection and response, and automation—in a single subscription.

Unlimited ecosystem automation enables your team to collaborate more effectively, improve the efficiency of your risk management program, and save time. With all of this, you can eliminate multiple contracts and vendors that are stretching budgets and enjoy a higher return on investment.

Get comprehensive cloud risk coverage across your business—without compromise. Discover Cloud Risk Complete today.