Posts tagged Cybersecurity

3 min Cybersecurity

NCSAM Security Crash Diet: Wrap-up

Wow, it’s November 7 already, and I still have all my National Cyber Security Awareness Month [] decorations up! I really need to take care of those. But, before I get to taking down all my 2FA authentication token lawn decorations, I figured it’d be a good time to chat it up with Olivia, and see how her NCSAM crash diet went. Tod: So, over the course of the month, what’s the one task you performed that benefited you the most? Olivia:

2 min Cybersecurity

NCSAM: How Hackable Are You?

Rapid7 partnered with The Today Show to offer a fun, fast self-assessment quiz to determine individual cybersecurity risk levels. How hackable are you?

5 min Cybersecurity

NCSAM Security Crash Diet, Week 1: Maintenance

One of Rapid7's employees tries a month of different 'security diets' in the spirit of National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Week one highlights the importance of maintenance.

4 min Research

NCSAM: The Danger of Criminalizing Curiosity

This is a guest post from Kurt Opsahl [], Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation []. October is National Cyber Security Awareness month and Rapid7 is taking this time to celebrate security research. This year, NCSAM coincides with new legal protections for security research under the DMCA [/2016/10/03/cybersecurity-awareness-month-2016-this-ones-for-the-researchers] and the 30th anniversary of the

3 min Cybersecurity

National Cyber Security Awareness Month: The Value of Vigilance

Today is the last day of October 2013, and so sadly, this is our last NCSAM primer blog. We're hitting on a number of potential threats in this one to help drive the core point home – users need to be vigilant, not just with regards to their physical security, but also the security of their information and the systems used to access and store it. For those that are new to this series, a quick recap – every week this month we have created a short primer piece that could be copied and pasted into

4 min Cybersecurity

National Cyber Security Awareness Month: Avoiding Cloud Crisis

As you'll know if you've been following our National Cyber Security Awareness Month blog series, we're focusing on user awareness.  We belief that these days every user in your environment represents a point on your perimeter; any may be targeted by attackers and any could create a security issue in a variety of ways, from losing their phone to clicking on a malicious link. Each week through October we've provided a simple email primer on a topic affecting users' security. We hope these emails